카탈로그 동영상

게시물 내용

Completes High-Efficiency Propeller Retrofit
SILLA METAL Completes High-Efficiency Propeller Retrofit

* Completed propeller retrofit for two Cape-size bulk carriers for domestic shipping company.
* Applied proprietary energy-saving technology developed through in-house R&D.
* Propulsion efficiency increases by 4% with high-efficiency propeller retrofit.

S-ProFit (SILLA METAL Propeller Retrofit solution)

SILLA METAL announced on January 9 that it has demonstrated its competitive edge in eco-friendly vessel technology by completing high-efficiency propeller modification projects for two Cape-size bulk carriers owned by a major domestic shipping company.

Established in 1975, SILLA METAL is Korea's first propeller manufacturer and a specialist in high-performance propulsion systems, having produced over 3,000 propellers to date.

This project was initiated to comply with strengthening IMO environmental regulations and has improved the vessels' RightShip Greenhouse Gas (GHG) ratings by two levels.

The bulk carriers were fitted with S-ProFit, a high-efficiency propeller retrofit solution developed through in-house research. The retrofit solution provides one-stop service from design optimization and speed performance simulation to propeller installation, shaft alignment, torsional vibration measurement, and sea trials, utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology.

According to SILLA METAL, the high-efficiency propeller modification improves vessel propulsion efficiency by approximately 4% compared to existing systems. This leads to reduced fuel consumption and carbon emissions, resulting in economic benefits such as lower operating costs.

SILLA METAL 's strategy is to expand its global market share through an integrated solution that combines the retrofit solution with fuel-saving devices such as S-Cap (high-efficiency cap) and K-VG (vortex generator).

The company has been winning contracts for propeller and fuel-saving device modification projects for container ships and LNG carriers from global shipping companies, recognized for its customized design capabilities and eco-friendly shipping solutions.

A SILLA METAL representative stated, "This project has increased the economic value of vessels while addressing strengthening environmental regulations," adding, "We will lead sustainable development in the shipping industry through innovative technology research and development."

신라금속, 'S-ProFit' 벌커 적용
부산광역시 강서구 녹산산단17로14번길 34(송정동) TEL:+82-51-831-5991~8 l FAX:+82-51-831-5990 l E-mail:sales@sillametal.com